Sunday, April 3, 2011

EAP/EAL Seminar May 12-14 2011

Ontario Equine and/or Mental Health Professionals: The O.K. Corral Series is presenting its Equine Assisted Psychotherapy (EAP)/Equine Assisted Psychotherapy (EAL) Certification Seminar "O.K., It's Family Time - DO Try This at Home!" May 12-14, 2011 in Pembroke, Ontario! The seminar is hosted by Alison Vandergragt, and will give you the basic philosophies for practicing equine-assisted learning and Equine Assisted Psychotherapy, as well as techniques and exercises to work with the dynamics of groups and families. Class size is limited to 20 for optimal learning and individual attention. The seminar is instructed by Greg Kersten, Founder of Equine Assisted Psychotherapy (EAP), EAGALA, and now the O.K. Corral Series.

WHAT IS EAP? Equine Assisted Psychotherapy teams a mental health professional with an experienced horse professional to offer therapeutic and experiential sessions to clients. Natural horse and herd behavior is observed and honored as a model for healthful human behavior. Over 5,000 professionals worldwide have been certified by Greg Kersten in the practice of EAP and have been pleased with the both the efficacy and efficiency of this innovative modality.

WHAT IS EAL? Equine Assisted Learning offers experiential communication, team building, and personal growth activities to individuals, groups, families, and corporations. Skills may be used to offer corporate retreats, church group activities, and family growth seminars. Mr. Kersten's techniques have been featured in publications ranging from The Counselor to The Los Angeles Times to Western Horseman! The complete, three-day certification seminar costs only $625 (US) and includes all lunches, snacks, and materials, as well as a one-year membership subscription to the OK Corral Series.

Register by April 10, 2011, to receive the $50 early registration discount! Contact the OK Corral for more information at 1-775-463-6565, or log on to Or contact Vanderbrook Farm & Natural Horsemanship Center, Pembroke,ON. 613-638-2005